Address: Otokara Keršovanija 31, 31000 Osijek, Croatia
Tel: +385 31 213 556
Project title: Panona net – destination management model
Lead partner: Association for creative development Slap
Project duration: 15.7.2019 - 14.11.2021
Total budget: 636 364,50 €
EU contribution: 540 909,81 € (85%)
The City of Vukovar and the Municipality of Velika from Croatia
Open university Subotica Ltd. and Fund for micro regional tourism cluster Subotica-Palić from Serbia
Photo: Romulić & Stojčić
The views expressed on this website are the sole responsibility of the Association for creative development Slap and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
This website is co-financed using 85% of Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Croatia - Serbia
The project is co-financed by the ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union.